Monday, April 03, 2006

April Fools Memo

Heres a copy of the memo I handed out at work on the first.

Montego Bay Poker
To: All Poker Room Personnel
From: Ralph McCarthy, Division of Payroll and Taxation
Date: April 1, 2006
Re: Tax withholding and Reg. 6A training hours.

With many apologies I am required to inform all employees that taxes and training fees were not withheld from any checks from last months training meetings for 6A. There is a $170 fee for this class that is mandated by the Nevada Gaming Commission. The company has decided to pay these fees up front for all employees, then withhold the money from each employees check until the balance is paid. On your next check and for the following 10 weeks you will find a deduction of $17 under the heading of 6A training. Thank you for your understanding.

Ralph McCarthy, Division of Payroll and Taxation

Attached on the following sheet you will find the schedules for next months training sessions, beginning on the 16th of April. These classes will also require a $170 fee, payable at the beginning of class. Please bring cash or money orders, as personal checks will not be accepted. April fools sucker.

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