Thursday, July 07, 2011


The last few weeks have been interesting. I quit the Rainbow. It was just too hard to watch them destroy the room. I hope everyone lands on their feet from this one. I had to bail early. I was able to get a swing shift dealing job back at the Nugget. It is my fifth? time working there. Had to do it. Better schedule and more money. more flexibility too. Rainbow took all the fun out of poker. Now I get to screw around and deal like I want too. Plus Rainbow shrinking guaranteed we'd get more action up the street.

Went to Echo reservoir last week. DISASTER! It rained, and I wasn't able to make much back on my investment. Next time... I'm already looking into houses for Vegas.

Props to Casey, the grave supervisor at Montego Bay. He spent like $600 of his own money to put on a fireworks show for us out at the salt flats. Pretty epic. Town is also full of new students, a lot of people made it out to the BBQ before the fireworks.

Next big thing is Lagoon on Tuesday. Unless a party breaks out over the weekend. I'll keep you posted.

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